感謝萊博智的分享!語言是鮮活的, 不斷會有新詞誕生, 這些新詞對等的英文應(yīng)該如何表達? 你把英文說清楚了,跟老外能解釋清楚, 說明你真的懂這個詞了, 哈哈!
洪荒之力 prehistorical power
死亡凝視 death stare
嚇死本寶寶了 scared to death
明明可以靠臉吃飯 could have earned a living with face
傻白甜 blonde
我的內(nèi)心幾乎是崩潰的 I lost my control, in my heart.
心塞 feel stifled
“上交給國家” handover sth to the government
你行你上啊 You can you up/If you can do it then you should go up and do it.
有錢就是任性 A rich man is capricious.
本文轉(zhuǎn)自:萊博智(微信公眾號ID: Lionbridge_China),歡迎前往訂閱!